p1 | p2 | ... | pn <- q1, q2, ... , qm . n > 0, m > 0.
or p :- q1, q2, ..., qn . n > 0.
where vertical bars ( | ) represent disjunction and commas represent conjunction. Negation of a term is indicated by preceding it with a tilde ( ~ ). Otherwise, syntax for terms adheres to Prolog rules. That is, names and functors start with a lower case letter while variables start with an upper case letter. The underscore ( _ ) should be used in place of anonymous variables. Each clause must be terminated by a period. Note that disjunction is allowed only in the head. Clauses whose implication operator is :- are added to the clause database unchanged. Clauses whose implication operator is <- are converted to equivalent sets of all possible contrapositive clauses, as explained later.
a <- b, ~b. b <-. ~b <-
which is clearly inconsistent, has no classical semantics. The 'meaning' of, say, evident(a) is derived solely from its formal definition, i.e., the ability to construct a closed clause tree
For a given program S and some supported proposition p, the clauses used to construct some closed clause tree T for p do form a consistent subprogram ST such that ST |= p (see Theorem 3). Nevertheless, S as a whole may be inconsistent and consequently has no classical semantics.
Hence, any mention of "semantics" in relation to VL and conflict theory must be done with care. In fact, [Fisher95] eschews using the term "semantics" altogether to avoid potential confusion. The preceding discussion is not intended to define a semantics for programs in VL, that is, for logical programs with classical negation. Rather, the purpose is to clarify matters by explicitly stating that there is in fact no semantics for such programs except in the narrowed sense discussed above. However, more work does need to be done regarding the semantics of the concepts underlying VL itself (as opposed to the programs studied with VL).
In addition, VL recognizes the usual relational operators ( >, <, >=, =<, ==). Relational expressions are handled similarly to arithmetic expressions.