This thesis describes Visual Logic (VL), a software tool for computing several new logical concepts introduced by John Fisher (the author's thesis advisor) [Fisher96] and graphically illustrating the result using clause trees. VL can also be used to visualize and animate (a restricted set of) logic programs and their execution; that is, as a graphical tracer for logic programs. The primary aims of the project are: 1) to implement and experiment with a prototype system; 2) to assess its effectiveness both as a computing platform for the new logical concepts and as a tree-based visualizer for logic programs in general; and 3) to propose specifications for an extended system. In addition, the thesis relates Visual Logic to similar diagrammatic and graphical systems utilized in logic.
The second rationale behind the project is to show how visual systems can be used to augment and enhance traditional symbolic representations in the field of logic. Humans routinely use diagrams to facilitate the process of design, reasoning, and problem solving. Researchers have shown that the use of diagrams plays several roles in this respect: as a short-term memory device, as a well-understood base concept from which more complicated parts of a problem may be described, as an aid in visualization, or as a tool in selecting an appropriate method or approach [Novak92]. The use of diagrams and other visual representations helps reveal important information that may not be apparent in sentential/linguistic or symbolic/mathematical forms [Tessler93]. However, except for a few notable exceptions, diagrams have been largely ignored by logicians and Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers who have for the most part focused on symbolic representations and symbolic reasoning [IUVIL95].
Recently, there has been a renewal of interest in the use of diagrammatic or visual representations in problem solving and reasoning, typified by the recent AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence) Symposium on reasoning with diagrammatic representations in 1992. The symposium brought researchers from various disciplines to discuss both psychological and AI-related issues. The consensus view emerging from the symposium was that "traditional symbolic representation will increasingly be combined with visual representation in future AI research" [Chandra93]. This is an important inspirational basis for the project.
The next chapter provides a brief survey of related works. Chapter 3 discusses the theoretical foundation of Visual Logic. Chapter 4 describes the functions of the current system. The last chapter provides an in-depth discussion of VL along with a comparison to similar systems and a proposal for possible extensions.