README.txt colog14I 2/7/2023 (~2.3MB) contains colog component Java sources and classes, colog14I.jar, and utility files. Unzip Locate the colog14I folder in a convenient work location. This archive was compiled with the help of the ANTLR3.5.3 parsing tool antlr-3.5.3-complete.jar {see} Inside the colog4I folder ... colog.jar (~339KB) Executable jar file -- double click opens the app on desktop. colog program files can be dropped on the theory pane. The ??? tab on the right pane has some basic colog information. org/ This folder contains the antlr-3.5.3-complete.jar extracted runtime classes (org/antlr/runtime/*) required to parse colog and fol inputs to the colog14I app. This file is a top-level driver component for colog prover (gui or cpommand-line). sam/ (Skolem Abstract Machine) This folder is the primary components package for the colog14I theory parser and the various inference components. makeall Read this source file in a text editor to see details. This source file will: 1- remove jar and class files from the archive 2- compile all the .java source files in the archive 3- create the colog14I.jar app file Assuming that fp is the full system path to colog14I (e.g., fp is ~/colog14I), the makeall command can be executed like this : > source fp/makeall fp If one modifies the colog input grammar (sam/lang/antlr/colog.g), then the colog lexer and parser need to be regenerated. Similarly for the grammar Fol.g (sam/fol/antlr/Fol.g). See files sam/lang/antlr/compile and sam/fol/antlr/compileFol to inspect relevant compile commands. License The colog14I sources are copyrighted. There are no restrictions on copying, changing or extending as long as original sources are cited. _____________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL NOTE regarding colog "false" rules and "goal" rules: The sam.lang.CologAnalyzer does not enforce the following conventions and that can cause misleading or incorrect colog app reports, or promote unnecessary inferences. The colog programmer needs to heed the following (unchecked) conventions. 1. false-BEFORE-goal All "false" rules should come before all "goal" rules in a colog theory for the following reason. Consider the simple theory ... true => p, q. q => goal. p => false. If one loads this little theory into the colog14I app, the following inference tree is generated true | p | q | goal and the report is that a PROOF was found, which is misleading, because the order of the rules did not allow the false 3rd rule to apply soon enough. Move the false rule up before the goal rule... true => p, q. p => false. // N.B. "false before goal" q => goal. The colog app now generates the following inference tree. true | p | false and the report is that a PROOF (i.e. REFUTATION proof) was found, which is logically correct. The motto is: CATCH CONTRADICTIONS EARLY. Exercise: formulate a small theory illustrating the need for the false-BEFORE-goal principle for a consistency rule, such as ' ~p(X),p(X) => false. ' 2. false-BEFORE-goal EARLY in the theory The reason for this is to avoid unnecessary colog inferences on branchs that could have terminated earlier using a goal rule. For example, try the following example which uses late false rule and goal rule. true => p. p => q | r. q => u | v. r => w | x. u => false. p => goal. Observe the PROOF (4 branches), and then run again after moving the last 2 rules to the top (PROOF, 1 branch). u => false. p => goal. true => p. p => q | r. q => u | v. r => w | x. The 2nd version avoids unnecessary inferences for a PROOF. When in doubt: false-BEFORE-goal and then the other rules in the theory. Also: DO NOT use goal or false as literals in any rule antecedent or in conjunction with other consequent literals or in disjunctive consequent colog rules.